
Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Reading - a passion...

I am coming a little late to this book blogger hop because I have just started my completely unadulterated book related blog as I have enjoyed reading book related blogs for such a long time and suddenly wondered why I did not have one of my own.  

This question was set by Books and Reviews...

"When did you realize reading was your passion and a truly important part of your life?"

This is a cool question.  Reading was important to me when I was very small and looked forward to the arrival of the library van.  That was so exciting.  Especially when they had changed the selection of books and there were lots of new titles to look through and choose from but I was probably too young to realise the extent of the addiction.  Then in my teenage years when I would doze off at 5am having spent the night propped up on my pillow under the duvet with a torch reading a book that I just couldn't put down.  Struggling through school the next day bleary eyed.  Signs of obsession were starting to show.  When I got married 13 years ago and the first thing that my new husband had to help me with was the re-assembly of all my bookcases that had lived around the walls of my bedroom along with the moving of countless boxes of books none of which I felt I could part with.  13 years on, bookcases line walls in all the 3 bedrooms, the lounge and snug on every topic that appeals to me - reading obsessions include gardening, patchwork, drawing, web design, photography, sewing, knitting, creative writing, biography, autobiography, natural history and history not to mention the thousands of novels from classics to fantasy that continue to draw me into their worlds like a magnet.  I don't think I ever really came to a realization that reading and books were important they  just gradually took over my life and my world.  
Afterall I can learn anything if I have the right book or 10.


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